Paddy Crean 2014
They say the road to the Paddy is long and hard and full of obstacles. This has certainly been true of our intrepid performer.
Our hero faced trials and tribulations working throughout the year, turning down friends, work, studies to get to this fabled nirvana of stage combat. The latest, last and almost insurmountable of these challenges occurred yesterday, when he found his passport had expired.
6 years ago.
Such Fail.
And there was much lamenting and cursing in the Valley of the Kangaroo that night.
It is a universal truth that behind every hero there are incredible people who support them and bring them from the brink of despair. One such is my Dad. Without blinking, he sprung into action working out the plan.
Skip to next day.
Father and son traveled to the distant land of Sydney, there to do battle against bureaucracy and junk. Chen's navigational skills quickly found an officeworks and liaised with the famous warrior princess Lucy-inda. Having secured passport photos and verified their legitimacy, they tackled the biggest monster of them all. The Australian Passport Office.
The souls of those lost in the stacks haunt the building and our hero was soon struggling to make his way to the front of the inquiries queue. Memories of the year built up, every shout and hardship welling up, the building had some strange curse upon it. THEN out of the murk and swirl of despair, the angel of the hour arrived, the lady at the front desk. she took one look into our hero's eyes, and saw every scar and wound from the year and sorted it out.
WARM RELIEF is all that hit me.
This is it. Next stop, Banff Alberta.